
 飛行傘知名網站   Paraglidingforum 緊急通知

We are sorry to inform you that the forum has been hacked.

We are working hard to fully investigate the event.
The status so far is :
1) No data loss , or the posts of 28/3 in the worst case.
2) we know how it happened, from where (Ukraine IP), and what to do to prevent it.
3) We DONT know if the UserDB is stolen. If this is the case , the hacker may have the user emails and the passwords in cryptographic form. Although the passwords are cryptographed, they can be breaked. So if a user uses the same password in some other websites it is recommended as a precotion to change his password at these other websites.

we will bring up the forum as soon as possible, till then go out and get some flying.

Update 30/3/2009
We forced to believe that a big percentage of the user passwords is stolen. If you use the same password you have in this forum in any other way , WE STRONGLY URGE YOU TO CHANGE IT NOW!!

We will reset your password of the forum and send you an email with the new one.

Paraglidingforum 於03/28 被駭客由烏克蘭的IP入侵, 網站已暫時關閉, 當改善完後會重新開放...
03/30 網管更新: 大部分的email跟密碼已被盜走, 如果你有用類似帳號且用一樣的密碼, 強烈建議馬上更新你其他帳號的密碼.


  DSC09486 (複製).JPG
小蟑螂翻譯  FLY TAIWAN Paragliding

    創作者 第8名(小8) 的頭像


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