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小蟑螂剛從日本參加 2008 PRE-WORLDCUP HAKUBA HAPPO-ONE セレクションリスト
回來 成績no.27 

 PWC 經過選手們的投票, 通過將執行新的比賽模式, 由 2009 開始使用, 比賽本身並無改變, 但新的模式將可減輕選手參賽的成本負擔. 轉載PWCA網站原文,


The purpose of the World Cup is to propose a competition with ALL top pilots from the world.
After 18 years of World Cup tour, things have changed and this goal is not fullfilled anymore.
PWC已經過了十八年, 許多的事都已改變, 原來的宗旨已無法完全的達到.

1. A real WORLD event ?
1. 還是一個世界性的比賽嗎?
No, the World Cup is mainly european as the cost of the all tour for a non-european pilot is very high. Some europeans pilots also cannot afford it (or only a few years).
不是, 因為對非歐洲的飛行員來說, 參加PWC實在是花費太高, 所以PWC已變成是由歐洲的飛行員為主的比賽. 甚至有些歐洲的飛行員也無法負擔(或只能負擔短時間).
The goal is to make the participation to the World Cup less expensive for everybody.

2. ALL top pilots ?
2. 所有頂尖飛行員?
No, the World Cup now doesn’t gather ALL top pilots. As it is time consuming, some top pilots don’t take part or only to a few events (Maurer, Tamegger, Donini, Pacher, Cox, Berod, Goldsmith, Rossel, and many others).
不是, 現在的PWC無法集合所有的頂尖高手. 因為需要時間的因素, 某些世界頂尖的選手無法參加或只能參加一些站( 例如: Maurer, Tamegger, Donini, Pacher, Cox, Berod, Goldsmith, Rossel, and many others).
This situation is growing worse every year.

3. Earth friendly ?
3. 環保?
No, the number of internationals flights makes the actual World Cup tour the biggest polluting event in paragliding.
不是, 這麼多的選手的國際航空飛行已造成PWC成為飛行傘界之中最汙染環境的一項.
3 pilots flying from Europe to Argentina are emitting the same quantity of C02 (3 x 5.5 T) as 80 pilots going from Europe to Europe sharing cars.

4. Media friendly ?
4. 媒體興趣度?
With five events, without all top pilots, without big changes since years, the attention is not as high as it should be.
五站比賽, 無法招集所有頂尖選手, 長久沒有變化, 導致PWC無法吸引夠多的媒體注意力.
The overall results of the actual World Cup has not enough impact.


Voted by pilots on June 19 th (Yes = 79,1 %), the new system will start in 2009.
選手投票於六月19號 (贊成達百分之79.1), 新的模式將於2009年開始實施.  

1. To start, the WORLD CUP 2009 will consist of :
1. 開始時, WORLD CUP 2009 將會包含:

European World Cup Tour : e.g. : 3  events
歐洲 PWC : 3 站
Asian World Cup Tour : e.g. : 2 events
亞洲 PWC : 2 站
Panamerican World Cup Tour : e.g. 2 events
泛美洲 PWC : 2 站
other World Cup Events in Africa, Oceania, if possible, in the following years...
其它的 PWC 比賽如 非洲地區, 大洋洲地區, 如果允許, 將會於往後幾年加入.....


The first SUPERFINAL will be at the end of the 2009 season ( The next one will be in 2010, then probably every two years.)
第一次的決賽將會於2009年舉行 (下一個將會於2010年舉行, 以後可能每兩年舉辦一次)

Pilots :

100 top male pilots
15-20 top female pilots (according to female pilots level)

Proposed duration : 10-12 days
適當賽期 :  10 到 12 天

Entry Fee : Cheap for pilots
報名費 : 儘量便宜

Location : Well known site, very good organization, media plan.
比賽地點 : 知名飛行場, 非常好的主辦單位, 好的媒體計畫.

Bad Weather :
壞天氣 :

NO bad weather ! ;-)
沒有壞天氣 ! ;-)
But, just in case, the organizers must be ready to move to a better place. A back up site must be prepared.
但是, 萬一...., 主辦單位必須是先準備隨時轉往預備賽區, 預備賽區須事先規劃完備.
In that case, the PWCA will provide financial and logistical additional help to the organizers and pilots.
PWCA 將會於經濟及後勤上提供主辦單位跟選手必要的協助.

Medias and sponsors :
媒體及贊助商 :
The idea is to make the World Cup Superfinal much more important and media friendly. The Superfinal must be the Biggest Event of All Times, with the top 100 male pilots and top female pilots.
目的是要達成 Superfinal 總決賽成為更重要且更多媒體關確度的比賽. Superfinal 總決賽必須隨時是飛行傘界最重要的比賽, 參賽者為前100名頂尖男性選手及頂尖的女性選手.
The continental title (European, Asian, American,...) will also be media and sponsors friendly.
洲際頭銜 (歐洲, 亞洲, 美洲, .....) 也將吸引更多媒體及贊助商.

How to enter the Superfinal ? :
The selection will be based on results from the World Cup Events of the previous season.

First Selection :
第一順位 :
Male pilots : the top 15 pilots of every european World Cup, the top 10 of american and asian World Cups will be selected.
男子 : 歐洲前15名, 美洲及亞洲前10名.
Female pilots :  the top 3 in European World Cups and Top 1 in Asian and American World Cups will be immediately selected
女子 : 歐洲前3名, 美洲及亞洲前1名.
These pilots will know immediately that they are selected.

Second Selection :
第二順位 :
According to the level of each World Cup, the remaining places will be filled with the next pilots. The top 25 male pilots and the top 5-6 female pilots of a high level World Cup have 99 % chance to be selected.
依據PWC站的程度, 剩下的名額將由下列選手填滿, 各洲男子前25名及女子前5到6名將有99%的機率被選入.
For these pilots, the selection will be confirmed at the end of the last World Cup of the season.

On the first year, to guarantee the highest level, wildcards can be accepted for “paragliding legends” (ex PWCA or FAI World Champions)
第一年, 為了保證高水準, 外卡將接受 "飛行傘傳奇" (例如 PWCA 或 FAI 總冠軍....)

How to enter the World Cup events ? :
如何進入 PWC 比賽?

Same as now, selection will be based on results with a similar selection system.
選拔規則不變, 將依據現行的選拔系統.
The selection for the Superfinal will be difficult (The real top 100 !) but the selection for European, Asian and American World Cups will allow more pilots to take part.
進入總決賽的門檻很高(真正前100強!), 但是各州的PWC站賽卻能讓更多的選手參加.

Discards :
棄,除權 :
The discard system is still on discussion. E.g. : same as now at the beginning, and then no discard at the end of the competition to make the understanding of the ranking easier for the pilots, media and public.
仍然在討論中 : 一開始照舊系統, 但結束時將無使用, 目的是讓大家較容易了接排名系統.

The PWCA Committee
PWCA 委員會

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